Winter Courses Offer

Noticia, Front UMH

18 November 2020

Musical Journalism, Introduction to Nanobiotechnology, plus Techniques for Self-Control, Stress Management, Relaxation, Concentration and Vitality are some of the 55 Winter Courses being offered by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) this year. The Winter Courses are to be given between December and May 2021 and, due to Covid-19, most are going to be given in online formats, except when necessary, and those that have traditionally been given within a classroom are also adapting to virtual settings.

This edition of UMH Winter Courses, just like each preceding it, is presented as a forum for complementary learning and debate, as a meeting place between the university community and greater society. Their topics and contents complement university disciplines and afford perspectives that, generally, are not available in other formats of academic instruction. Their programming contemplates the training needs of different institutions and organizations within the public & private sectors, civil society too, that make up the social fabric surrounding the UMH.

Standing out in this edition is a packet of courses that has received funding and is therefore exempt of any fees. This has been made possible thanks to collaboration with the city halls of Almoradí, Crevillente, Benissa, Elche, Pego, Petrer, Teulada, and Torrevieja. Thanks for this also go out to the UMH Unit of Equality, which is part of the Vice Rectorate for Inclusion, Sustainability and Athletics. This latter collaboration is in response to the will of the university to continue with its commitment to training and awareness in the areas of equality and diversity.

Winter Courses are 25 hours long, except for theater courses, which run 12 hours in length. Enrollment fees for the online variety are 35 euros, while the fees for those taking place within classroom environments vary between 55 and 110 euros. Successful completion of them is accredited by UMH certificates issued electronically that also detail the skills gained through their participation. Recognition for winter course participation by UMH students may also come in the form of actual university ECTS credits.

The 2020/2021 Winter Courses catalog, as well as how to register for them, can be consulted at this link: