The UMH will teach in semipresencial modality the Degree in Law and the Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

Miguel Hernández University (UMH) in Elche will teach the Degree of Law and Political Science and Public Administration in semipresencial modality the next academic year 2013-2014, besides the presencial one, already offered. This new modality combines online learning and classroom sessions that will be focused on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

Also, in semipresencial mode, the UMH will teach in the 2013-2014 course conversion courses to the following degrees: Podiatry, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Telecommunications Technology Engineering (in three paths: Telematics, Electronic Systems and Telecommunications Systems),  Computer Engineering in Information Technologies, Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation. Furthermore, of the Degrees in Business Administration and in Labor Relations and Human Resources already offered in this modality.