The UMH and the Vectalia Group sign an agreement creating the Casa Cesilia Chair of Wine Tourism

The Rector of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH), Jesús Pastor Ciurana, and the CEO of the Vectalia Group, Antonio Arias Paredes, have signed a collaboration agreement to create the Casa Cesilia Chair of Wine Tourism, whose objectives include education, research, development and the transfer of knowledge in the field of wine tourism.

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This new chair aims to strengthen the enology and viticulture richness of the region by holding training and research activities, in addition to organizing seminars, conferences, and other outreach activities.

Directing the Chair will be UMH Associate Professor David López Lluch from the Economics, Sociology and Agricultural Policy Area. Its Advisory Council is made up by UMH Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Manuel Miguel Jordán Vidal; the President of the Vectalia Group, Joaquín Arias; and enologists from Casa Cesilia, Francisco Granado and Benjamín Marcos. UMH Professor Juan José Ruiz Martínez, from the Department of Applied Biology, will serve as Chair Secretary.

Also in attendance at the signing were the Director of the Casa Cesilia Chair of Wine Tourism, David López Lluch; the Director of Communication and Institutional Relations of the Vectalia Group, Ezequiel Moltó; and UMH vice rectors for Planning, Fernando Borrás; Economics and Business, Fernando Vidal; Infrastructure, Juan José Ruiz; and Research and Innovation, Manuel Jordán.