UMH among the top 125 European universities for its teaching excellence

The Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) is ranked somewhere between the 101st and 125th positions in the classification of the best European universities in terms of teaching excellence according to the Europe Teaching Rankings 2018, produced by Times Higher Education (THE).

On a national level, the UMH occupies 19th position, and is third within the Valencian Community, surpassed by only the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) and the University of Valencia (UV), which fall within the 76-100 band on the list.

The Europe teaching rankings is a pioneering study by Times Higher Education, which focuses on environments of higher education, and measures student outcomes, the diversity of the institutions’ surroundings, and the resources that universities possess in order to teach effectively.

This 2018 classification is based on the results of the THE European Student Survey, in which 30,000 university students participate and who are asked questions such as whether each’s university teaching supports critical thinking, whether classes stimulate and inspire students, and whether students have the opportunity to interact with staff, among others.

This ranking is available for consultation here:!/page/4/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/undefined.