Results of the July University Entrance Examination

Noticia, Front UMH

20 July 2020

According to the Vice Rectorate for Student Affairs & Coordination at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH), 97.6% of the students who took the university entrance examination (PAU) in the July 2020 examination call for the district of the UMH received a passing grade. The percentage of those who passed this year is slightly higher than that from last (97.0%).

Pie de foto: imagen de la convocatoria de julio de las PAU de este año. Fuente: UMH.

In all, 4,202 students sat for the July 2020 ordinary examination call and, of them, 3,880 took the required phase, while 340 did so only for the voluntary phase. Of the students who took the entrance examination’s required phase in the July call, 3,787 (97.6% of them) received a passing grade, while 93 (2.4%) did not. By gender, the percentage of males who passed (97.8%) is practically identical to females (97.5 %).

The average grade in the required phase for the students taking the examination at the UMH was 6.86, and this number represents a slight increase when compared to the score from last year’s examination (6.45). This year’s UMH score is also 0.20 points above the average for that of the Generalitat Valenciana (6.66). The cutoff grade for university admission, which is obtained by weighing 60% of the average GPA for high school juniors & seniors and 40% of the grade in the university entrance examination’s required phase, is 7.42 for students who took the exam in the UMH district. This number is slightly higher than the average for students who took entrance examinations elsewhere throughout the Valencian Community (7.34).

The 10 high schools whose students earned the highest average grades in the required phase of the university entrance examination are, in descending order, Newton College de Elche (8.08); Colegio Almedia de Callosa d’En Sarrià (8.06); I.E.S. de Rafal (8.03); Colegio La Purísima de Torrevieja (7.89); Colegio Diocesano Santo Domingo de Orihuela (7.85); I.E.S. Tirant lo Blanc de Elche (7.83); Colegio Lope de Vega de Benidorm (7.83); I.E.S. Victoria Kent de Elche (7.80); I.E.S. Sorts de la Mar de Denia (7.79); and I.E.S. Santiago Grisolía de Callosa de Segura (7.79).

Students who want to request a review of their grade can do so via their Authenticated Access at (in the section, Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad), prior to next Tuesday, July 21, at 2 p.m.

The UMH pre-registration period for students who took the university entrance examination in the July call remains open until July 22. They may submit their applications via the telematic assistant at the Generalitat Valenciana’s Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society.

University entrance examination results will become available at 2 p.m. today at