Summer Courses Edition XXIII

Noticia, Front UMH

7 June 2022

‘Health Along the Road to Santiago,’ ‘Creation of Educational Video Games,’ and ‘Wine Tourism Experiences in the Province of Alicante.’ These are some examples of the 57 Summer Courses that the Vice Rectorate for Culture at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) has put together for this, the 23rd edition of this instructional programming. Summer courses are being given between June and September, and 22 of them are taking place in-person and face to face at venues in Alicante (Santa Bárbara Castle and the Museum of Contemporary Art), Almoradí, Crevillente, Elche (UMH; Plaça de Baix), as well as in classrooms on every university campus. The remaining courses are being given online over the Virtual Campus, and to offer these, the UMH is once again receiving assistance from the Service of Technological Innovation and Planning, which is lending a hand to the faculty involved in teaching these online courses.

UMH Summer Courses are presented like a forum for learning and discussion, and a meeting point between the university and society. Their topics and contents are complementary to university disciplines and afford perspectives that, generally, are not available in other formats of academic instruction. These courses also contemplate the educational needs of different institutions and organizations within public & private sectors, civil society too, that make up the social fabric of which the UMH is a part.

For the current edition, it is worth mentioning that 16 of the courses are fully funded, so for them there are no student fees. This has been made possible thanks to collaboration by the city halls of Alicante, Almoradí and Crevillente, as well as by initiatives by different UMH chairs and the Unit of Equality at the university. This latter effort represents the will of the UMH to value strategic issues, linked to its chairs, and continue with a commitment to educate and raise awareness within the realms of equality and diversity.

Fees for most of the remaining courses is 35 euros, and the vast majority of them are 25 hours long. Everybody who participates in them receives an academic certificate, which may also be recognized for 1 ECTS credit by the UMH, and equally so by the universities that are part of the Xarxa Vives d’Universitats network. The prior edition of summer courses had more than 1,300 participants from all over Spain.

All information about and registration for the 2022 Summer Courses is through the link that follows: