New website for the Patronage Portal

Front UMH

15 December 2021

The Vice Rectorate for Knowledge Transfer and Exchange at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) has launched the new website of the Patronage Portal, which enables interested people to make donations from a euro and up.

The new portal is leading off with the cultural project entitled ‘Música para todxs’ (Music for All); a second that is social in nature, ‘Cortometraje Intergeneracional UMH’ (UMH Intergenerational Short Film); in addition to two research projects:  ‘El mundo marino como fuente de nuevos compuestos de actividad antitumoral’ (The Marine World as a Source for New Anticancer Compounds); and ‘Nuevos Sensores de Bajo Coste en Agricultura. Nariz, Lengua y Ojo Electrónico’ (New Low-Cost Sensors in Agriculture. Electronic Nose, Tongue and Eye).

These four projects are led by UMH researchers and were granted the labels of a “social interest” by the Office of Patronage at the Generalitat Valenciana in previous calls. Throughout the upcoming year, the Vice Rectorate for Knowledge Transfer and Exchange intends to make this micro-patronage channel available to UMH faculty and research personnel and invite participation in new projects.