University Strategic Plan

Noticia, Front UMH

21 September 2022

The 2022-2025 Strategic Plan and Horizon 2030 have been presented by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH). This plan defines the ethical values and guiding principles that will mark the institution’s course over the coming years. By virtue of their implementation, the UMH commits itself to implementing actions that strengthen the education and well-being of its student body in addition to their future employability.

Fuente: UMH

This plan is the outcome from a year of work, coordinated by a commission created for this purpose, and which followed five stages: (1) internal strategic analysis that resulted in overhauling the vision, mission, and values of the UMH; (2) dialog with external stakeholders via meetings and interviews; (3) online consultations with the entire university community of faculty & research personnel, administrative & services personnel, and students & alumni (in a participatory process); (4) SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis, which identified 9 key areas and 42 strategic challenges; and (5) design of the new key points in the plan, wherein the policies of social responsibility have been mainstreamed and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations. Furthermore, the new plan also contemplates the European Strategy for Universities.

Fuente: UMH

Beginning with the new areas in the vision, mission, and values of the UMH, the plan is comprised of four strategic axes: training (Training for the Future and Well-Being of the Student Body); research and knowledge transfer (Excellence in Research and Democratization of Knowledge); society (Contribution of Value to Society); and sound governance and management (Social Responsibility and Quality in Governance and Management) that reflect the affairs of the university institution. Joining these axes are an additional four points, revealing how the UMH of the future must address challenges, which include quality, digitization, internationalization, and sustainability.

This plan also commits the UMH to quality research and knoweldge transfer, to be a lever for a planet that is more sustainable and a society that is more just, egalitarian, and inclusive. All of this runs in conjunction with proper governance plus efficient, transparent, and sustainable management.

The definitive version of the plan outlines 17 strategic objectives and 43 strategic lines, and these materialize into 134 strategic actions. Progress in each of these action areas will enable forces to join up and the UMH to attain levels of academic and research excellence simultaneously as it works with institutional responsibility, for the well-being of society in its surroundings and on the major challenges in today’s world.

Further information about this plan is available at