New Chair of Crecimiento Empresarial

Miguel Hernández University (UMH) in Elche and Terciario Avanzado Comunidad Valenciana Association (Advanced Tertiary of the Community of Valencia) presented the Chair of  Crecimiento Empresarial (Business Growth). The rector of the UMH, Jesús Pastor Ciurana, and the president of the Terciario Avanzado de la Comunidad Valenciana Association, José Javier García Zamora, have signed a collaboration agreement for the start-up of this Chair.

The director of the Chair will be the professor of the Department of Agro-Environmental Economics, Cartography and Graphic Expression of the Engineering UMH Fernando Vidal Giménez. The president of the Association of the Terciario Avanzado is the co-director.

The objectives of this new Chair are training, research, development and divulgation in the field of entrepreneurship and enterprise development, through activities, seminars or conferences. Specifically, the Chair aims to help entrepreneurs of the “Nau de la Innovació” and members of the “Marató d’Empreses UMH” to become aware of the needs of their projects. Also, the Chair will carry out the tutoring for a year or two projects so they can become businesses.